Blood Analysis
A mechanic wouldn't attempt to fix your car without first taking a look at what is going on inside. I approach health improvement the same way: I like to take a look at what is going on inside your body to help identify the root cause of issues you might be experiencing. Elements in your blood can predict diseases such as auto-immune disorders, cancer, diabetes, bone density issues, and others up to 10 years prior to manifestation. I can analyze several factors of your blood to help you identify things that may be greatly affecting your health--many of which you may not even be aware of!
I can create personilzed test packages and each one comes complete with an easy-to-read report that identifies imbalances in your blood, explains causes for those imbalances, and provides recommendations targeted to your individual biochemistry. This analysis can be an invaluable tool for getting you healthy. All tests include the following:
Review of initial intake form detailing your symptoms, concerns, and potential genetic vulnerabilities
Complete analysis report specific to your blood results
Identification and prioritization of potential health issues
How My Blood Panels Work
Getting blood work done with me is easy!
Fill out my intake form. I will select a comprehensive test panel for your complete health needs
Once you order a blood panel, I will E-mail you a requisition that you can take to a lab near you for a blood draw. I primarily work with both Quest Labs and Lab Corp which have many locations nationwide.
Take the requistion to the lab and get your blood drawn. In about a week, your results will be sent to me.
I provide you with a complete analysis of the results. If you need help building a lifestyle and health plan from the results, order my ongoing coaching package and I will help you succeed in your health goals.
Samples of Tests
Listed below are samples of the different types of tests I can run. I have access to hundreds of different types of tests, so if you don't see one listed here it does not mean I can not run it.
Critical health indicators to track
These tests are the most common in blood panels and give a broad spectrum of information on overall health.
Complete Blood Panel (CBP)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP-14)
Folate Serum
Gamma Glutamyl Transfease (GGT)
Hemoglobin A1c
Lipid Panel
Progesterone (Women Only)*
PSA, free and total (Men Only)*
Free Tosterone and Total LC/MS/MS
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
These tests can help identify thyroid issues like Graves disease, Hashimoto's disease, sluggish metabolism, and other issues of the thyroid.
Free T3 (FT3)
Total T4 (Thyroxine)
Free T4
Thyroid Perxidase and Thyroglobulin Antibodies
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)