Jobie's 12-Day Detox

What is a 12-Day Detox? It's an opportunity to focus on your health for 12 whole days and to commit to clean eating and good workouts with the support of a community and coach.
How are Jobie's Detox different than others I've done? Each Detox will focus on different areas of healthy and fit lifestyles. In addition to the "regular" detox material, each one includes extra information on topics like Boosting Your Immunity, Digestive Health, Brain Health, Blood Sugar, Bone Health, and other interesting topics. You'll learn how to recognize symptoms of problems in these areas as well as ways to resolve issues or ensure you stay healthy WITHOUT expensive or often unnecessary medications.
What's included? Everything you need is included! You'll get a complete Detox Kit that includes a handbook, supplements, and other goodies. In addition, you'll get support and encouragement in a fun, motivating environment that will put you on a healthy track with food & exercise. This is an all-inclusive program that will give you all the tools you need to kick-start or energize your healthy habits.
Some programs require you to purchase items on your own or leave you guessing about what you need. With my 12-Day Detox, I take all the guess work out of it for you. You will receive the following with the program:
A complete handbook that answers all your questions
Food plans
Shopping lists
A grocery store tour to show you how to select healthy and nourishing foods
Info on foods and supplements that you can incorporate into your daily meals.
Recipes for healthy and easy-to-prepare meals
Daily step-by-step instructions to keep you on track
Tips for success
Supplements that will help you achieve the maximum benefit
A partner that will encourage, motivate, and support you
6 coached group workouts
Guides for exercising on your own
A beach-day workout (weather permitting)
A fun outdoor activity like a hike at an exclusive preserve or a paddle boarding trip (a small rental fee may apply if you do not have your own paddle board)
Coaching, support, and enouragement
A fun competition with prizes
Samples of teas, salad dressings, bath salts, or other goodies
How will I know it works? At the start and at the end of the program we'll take fitness measurements so you can see the improvement you've made in only 12 days.
What do I have to do? Contact me and let me know you are interested! Spots are limited! You can also purchase your Detox in my store.
I have a busy schedule. Will this work for me? Absolutely! In fact, it is when we are the busiest that we most need a program like this. When we feel stressed or rushed in life, we are more likely to default to unhealthy habits. It is the busy and hectic times when we most need the extra support, motivation, and, most importantly, accountability. This program has very few "meetings" other than the initial kick-off and a final one-on-one review with me. I provide at least 6 coached workouts during the program, but you are always welcome to exercise on your own.

What's the cost? For only $320 you will get all necessary supplements, access to group workouts and the beach workout, food plans, guidelines, specific information on the focus topic, and samples of teas and other healthy goodies. All this comes wrapped up with good solid personal coaching.
What if I have other questions? Contact me with any other questions you have or for more info!
Schedule of Detoxes
I offer a Detox with a different focus about every 6 months. This gives you the opportunity to stay on top of your health and to continue learning something new each and every time you make your body better!
Jan 13 - Jan 24, 2025
Liver Cleanse
The liver is one of the most powerful organs for detoxing! In this Detox you'll learn how to take care of your liver so that it can help filter toxins from your body and keep you at your healthiest!
Fall of 2025
Cardiovascular Health
This DETOX focuses on 3 of the top health issues haunting most people today. I will teach you how to improve and resolve issues with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high glucose
Spring of 2026
Digestive Health
Learn the role of each part of the digestive system and how to make sure it is working effectively. Find out about Leaky Gut Syndrome, the enteric nervous system, and lots more!
Winter of 2026
Healthy Holidays
Most people gain 5 or 10 pounds or even more during the holidays. Learn strategies for avoiding the weight gain at parties and celebrations, and get healthy holiday-inspired recipes!